Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cleaning day...

Today I need to spend some time, washing bedding and cleaning house... just made me think that each day we need to be spending time "cleaning house" spiritually. Getting rid of those things that are hindering our service to God and asking Jesus to help us become clean through forgiveness.

Sometimes the only way to see everything on the floor when we mop is to get down on our hands and knees, same way spiritually the only way to see everything is to get down on our knees and pray and ask for help!

Sometimes it can be the tiny things that affect us the most, and we can't judge ourselves by others because maybe we justify something we have in our life because someone else has it in their lives but we can't because it is each an individual service. Something that might affect our spiritual lives might not affect another the same way. That is why we need to clean house every day examine ourselves take a look at everything and if we are moved by the spirit to remove something then we need to bag it up and throw it away!!!!

Just some thoughts today!

Have a great Sat.!!!

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